EU Elevator Directive 2014/33/EU (LIFT)
Elevator CE Certification Directive (Lift Directive) No. 214/33/EU, mainly for elevator and elevator safety components, with the elevator standard EN 115:2008 for escalator and movable aisle safety. Part 1: Structure and Installation。

Introduction to EU Elevator Directive

Elevator CE Certification Directive (Lift Directive) No. 214/33/EU, mainly for elevator and elevator safety components, with the elevator standard EN 115:2008 for escalator and movable aisle safety. Part 1: Structure and Installation。

1、Elevator control cabinet is EN12015 and EN12016, and welding structure quality control system is ISO3834, EN729 welding quality requirements: metal material fusion and EN1090;

Passenger elevator standards are EN81-20:2014 Safety rules for the construction and installation of elevator elevators - Transport of people and goods - Part 20:Passenger and cargo passenger elevators, first edition published April 20, 2016, forced replacement of old standard time on August 31, 2017 (expiration date of substitution standard conformity assessment)

EN81-50:2014 Safety Rules for Elevator Elevator Construction and Installation - Examination and Testing - Part 50: Design Rules, Calculation, Assessment and Testing of Elevator Parts。

2、The structure design and assembly technical requirements of escalators are specified in EN115-1:2008.;

U Elevator Main Application Directive

Main Coordination Criteria

EN 81-20:2014 Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts-Lifts for the transport of persons and goods-Part 20: Passenger and goods passenger lifts

EN 81-20 Elevator Construction and Installation Safety Rules - Manned or Freight Elevators - Part 20: Passenger Elevators and Passenger Elevators。

EN 81-50:2014 Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts - Examinations and tests-Part 50: Design rules,calculations,examinations and tests of lift components

EN 12015:2014 Electromagnetic compatibility -Standard family product for lifts, escalators and moving walks– Emission

EN 12015 EMC - Ladders, Escalators and Pedestrians - Radiation。

EN 12016:2013 Electromagnetic compatibility - Product family standard for lifts, escalators and moving walks–Immunity

EN 12016 EMC - Ladders, Escalators and Pedestrians - EMI

Elevator CE Certification Applicable Standard

EN115:2008 Safety of escalators and movable aisles. Part 1: Structure and installation; EN12015:2104 Electromagnetic Compatibility - Family Standard for Elevators, Escalators and Automatic Pedestrian Equipment - Radiation; EN 12016:2013 Electromagnetic Compatibility - Family Standard for Elevators, Escalators and Automatic Pedestrian Equipment - Anti-jamming。

CE Certification of Elevator Security Components

Elevator parts CE certification is one of the authoritative elevator certifications in the world. When purchasing elevators, many countries will be required CE certification. Elevator parts CE certification is mainly for elevator safety components, which is also the premise of CE certification for the whole elevator. Elevator parts CE certification is checked and certified according to the European Union LIFT Directive Coordination Standard EN81。

Elevator CE Certification Mode

Entire Ladder Certification Mode:

Module B (Annex IV) + Final inspection for lifts (Annex V) = Type test + Final inspection certificate

Module B (Annex IV) + Module E (Annex X) =Quality Assurance Mode for Type Test + Final Test and Test

Module B (Annex IV) + Module D (Annex XII) = Type Check + Quality Assurance Mode for Production Installation and Services

Module G(Annex VIII) = Single verification

Module H1(Annex XI) = Total quality control - the whole process of design, production, installation and service

Certification mode of elevator components:

Module B(Annex IV) +Module C2(Annex IX) = Type inspection+random sampling inspection of final products

Module B(Annex IV) +Module E(Annex VI) = Quality assurance mode of type inspection+final inspection and test

Module H(Annex VII) = Total quality control - the whole process of design, production, installation and service

Scope of whole elevator and safety parts

The whole elevator includes passenger elevator, passenger and freight elevator and hydraulic elevator。

Safety components:

1. Devices for locking landing doors

Door lock device of landing door

2. Devices to prevent the car from falling or uncontrolled movements(e.g. safety gear , ACOP & UCMP ect.)

Prevent the elevator from falling or moving accidentally (such as safety gear, overrunning brake, UCMP, etc.)

3. Overspeed limitation devices

Speed limiting device

4. Energy-accumulating or Energy-dissipating buffers

Energy storage/energy consuming buffer

5. Safety devices fitted to jacks of hydraulic power circuits where these are used as devices to prevent falls

Safety devices in hydraulic system to prevent falling (such as rupture valve)

6. Electric safety devices in the form of safety circuits containing electronic components

Safety circuit with electronic components

CE certification process of elevator parts

Elevator CE certification process

1.Apply to EUROCERT (1282), the EU notified elevator certification authority;

2.Review technical documents (elevator design calculation sheet, elevator safety risk assessment, product specifications, elevator design and manufacturing drawings, etc.);

3.Review the adequacy of safety components and CE certificates;

4.Check that the representative sample ladder meets the requirements of instructions and standards;

5.EUROCERT issues EU-TYPE type inspection CE certificate。

Introduction to EU Elevator Directive

Elevator CE Certification Directive (Lift Directive) No. 214/33/EU, mainly for elevator and elevator safety components, with the elevator standard EN 115:2008 for escalator and movable aisle safety. Part 1: Structure and Installation。

1、Elevator control cabinet is EN12015 and EN12016, and welding structure quality control system is ISO3834, EN729 welding quality requirements: metal material fusion and EN1090;

Passenger elevator standards are EN81-20:2014 Safety rules for the construction and installation of elevator elevators - Transport of people and goods - Part 20:Passenger and cargo passenger elevators, first edition published April 20, 2016, forced replacement of old standard time on August 31, 2017 (expiration date of substitution standard conformity assessment)

EN81-50:2014 Safety Rules for Elevator Elevator Construction and Installation - Examination and Testing - Part 50: Design Rules, Calculation, Assessment and Testing of Elevator Parts。

2、The structure design and assembly technical requirements of escalators are specified in EN115-1:2008.;

U Elevator Main Application Directive

Main Coordination Criteria

EN 81-20:2014 Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts-Lifts for the transport of persons and goods-Part 20: Passenger and goods passenger lifts

EN 81-20 Elevator Construction and Installation Safety Rules - Manned or Freight Elevators - Part 20: Passenger Elevators and Passenger Elevators。

EN 81-50:2014 Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts - Examinations and tests-Part 50: Design rules,calculations,examinations and tests of lift components

EN 12015:2014 Electromagnetic compatibility -Standard family product for lifts, escalators and moving walks– Emission

EN 12015 EMC - Ladders, Escalators and Pedestrians - Radiation。

EN 12016:2013 Electromagnetic compatibility - Product family standard for lifts, escalators and moving walks–Immunity

EN 12016 EMC - Ladders, Escalators and Pedestrians - EMI

Elevator CE Certification Applicable Standard

EN115:2008 Safety of escalators and movable aisles. Part 1: Structure and installation; EN12015:2104 Electromagnetic Compatibility - Family Standard for Elevators, Escalators and Automatic Pedestrian Equipment - Radiation; EN 12016:2013 Electromagnetic Compatibility - Family Standard for Elevators, Escalators and Automatic Pedestrian Equipment - Anti-jamming。

CE Certification of Elevator Security Components

Elevator parts CE certification is one of the authoritative elevator certifications in the world. When purchasing elevators, many countries will be required CE certification. Elevator parts CE certification is mainly for elevator safety components, which is also the premise of CE certification for the whole elevator. Elevator parts CE certification is checked and certified according to the European Union LIFT Directive Coordination Standard EN81。

Elevator CE Certification Mode

Entire Ladder Certification Mode:

Module B (Annex IV) + Final inspection for lifts (Annex V) = Type test + Final inspection certificate

Module B (Annex IV) + Module E (Annex X) =Quality Assurance Mode for Type Test + Final Test and Test

Module B (Annex IV) + Module D (Annex XII) = Type Check + Quality Assurance Mode for Production Installation and Services

Module G(Annex VIII) = Single verification

Module H1(Annex XI) = Total quality control - the whole process of design, production, installation and service

Certification mode of elevator components:

Module B(Annex IV) +Module C2(Annex IX) = Type inspection+random sampling inspection of final products

Module B(Annex IV) +Module E(Annex VI) = Quality assurance mode of type inspection+final inspection and test

Module H(Annex VII) = Total quality control - the whole process of design, production, installation and service

Scope of whole elevator and safety parts

The whole elevator includes passenger elevator, passenger and freight elevator and hydraulic elevator。

Safety components:

1. Devices for locking landing doors

Door lock device of landing door

2. Devices to prevent the car from falling or uncontrolled movements(e.g. safety gear , ACOP & UCMP ect.)

Prevent the elevator from falling or moving accidentally (such as safety gear, overrunning brake, UCMP, etc.)

3. Overspeed limitation devices

Speed limiting device

4. Energy-accumulating or Energy-dissipating buffers

Energy storage/energy consuming buffer

5. Safety devices fitted to jacks of hydraulic power circuits where these are used as devices to prevent falls

Safety devices in hydraulic system to prevent falling (such as rupture valve)

6. Electric safety devices in the form of safety circuits containing electronic components

Safety circuit with electronic components

CE certification process of elevator parts

Elevator CE certification process

1.Apply to EUROCERT (1282), the EU notified elevator certification authority;

2.Review technical documents (elevator design calculation sheet, elevator safety risk assessment, product specifications, elevator design and manufacturing drawings, etc.);

3.Review the adequacy of safety components and CE certificates;

4.Check that the representative sample ladder meets the requirements of instructions and standards;

5.EUROCERT issues EU-TYPE type inspection CE certificate。